That is so Aphex Twin
Stylish, the subtle noise works well, and really like how you played around with the balance. This is the way ambient music should be done. Nice work.
That is so Aphex Twin
Stylish, the subtle noise works well, and really like how you played around with the balance. This is the way ambient music should be done. Nice work.
Pretty good
It's definitely an industrial beat, the synths are a bit too distorted but it still sounds really good. Nice work.
Ohhh how it flows
I'm loving the background vox, this piece is smooth and well made. The effects are very well done, the tracks complement each other perfectly. All in all great song.
This So Demands A Music Video
Really, I've don't think I've ever seen anything like this. Nice work, you should really collaborate with a flash artist to make a music video of this cause it has so much potential.
I wish somebody'd use this in a flash movie.
Sounds pretty good
Nice work with the balance the two alternating guitars sounds pretty good. Bit too much distortion, and might want to adjust the levels a bit too. A Little bit longer with more variation would help too.
thanks! ^^ its pretty rough sounding... but I wanted to get it down :P
I think ya the leads need some voice tweaking and volume decreasing... and come up with a follow up part ^^
Very repetative
It's pretty much those same 7 keys over and over, I'm not impressed. I can tell this was made with loops, and not many either. It's very simplex and basic, not nearly enough variation for a 4 minute song.
Sounds like a sound track
This has an original style which is good (I see way to many people copying on the audio portal). The dry echo sound certainly does give it an icy feel, and the selected instruments work well together. (I was going to criticize but couldn't find anything wrong with it). Overall very good.
Pretty good
It's pretty good but it's short, and kinda feel that a hip hop song needs lyrics otherwise it's just a beat. It's good it's just missing some stuff.
Lot of emphasis on the strings
Not necessarily a bad thing, but it kind of overpowers over the beat, not sure if that was your intention. It's well composed but seems like it was cut short. Overall pretty good.
Alright, I Dig It
It's got an awesome beat and some really cool synths, and unlike almost every other flash that came onto the portal today, this one is actually on key. Anyways sounds cool, good work.
Angry Rant, overcritical reviews, and music of every kind all color my repertoire.
Age 36, Male
Student & Radio DJ
Lowell Massachusetts
Joined on 11/23/04